Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions
ARK Testing has embarked on a program with Greenfleet – a not for profit environmental organisation that offsets greenhouse gas emissions on behalf of its supporters by planting biodiverse native forests that recapture CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow. ARK Testing is offsetting 18.02 tonnes of CO2-e this year, which means 75* native trees will be planted by Greenfleet. ARK Testing wants to make sure it is doing what it can to reduce its impact on the environment and has reached this figure by calculating emissions from the company’s vehicle and energy use.
Greenfleet uses forestry offsets to innovatively help ARK Testing reduce its greenhouse impact on the environment. The forests that Greenfleet establishes are classified as biodiverse native forests, which means that the forests contain a mixture of native trees that reflect the original forest structure prior to the land being cleared.
This number of trees is a reasonable estimate of the number of trees required to be initially planted to sequester the total quantity of carbon purchased and takes into account that not all trees initially planted will survive due to the natural survival rate of trees. Accordingly, trees that do not survive following initial plantation may not necessarily be replanted.
Greenfleet’s commitment to recapture carbon on behalf of our supporters involves the management of native forests across all our planting sites. Greenfleet’s forest pool is forecast to meet its overall carbon commitments to supporters.